Spotnana builds direct NDC integration to Copa Airlines Learn more

Online booking

Experience the world’s most advanced technology for booking and managing travel.

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The next generation of travel experiences

Make the process of booking a corporate trip as easy as shopping on your favorite website.
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    Cloud-based travel infrastructure

    Experience simpler, more personalized travel experiences that are only possible through our new, modern infrastructure built with microservices.
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    Comprehensive global inventory

    Find the best trip options within a massive collection of unbiased travel inventory assembled from the widest range of content sources.
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    Competitive everyday low prices

    Maximize savings by combining your corporate negotiated rates with our discounts on flights, hotels, car rentals, and rail tickets.

Personalized travel shopping experiences

Provide an online booking experience that outshines consumer sites. With Spotnana’s travel platform you can:

  • Display search results optimized by traveler preferences
  • Present personalized seat maps based on traveler loyalty status
  • Highlight preferred suppliers, corporate rates, and negotiated offers
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Self-service change management

Make it easy for travelers and arrangers to modify or cancel trips. With Spotnana it’s easy to:

  • Change suppliers, dates, times, or locations
  • Add or change seats, loyalty number, KTN, and more
  • Cancel bookings and receive an instant refund or credit

Redeem and manage unused tickets

Use your travel credits before they expire. Ensure travelers know when they have unused tickets and enable them to redeem credits in real time during the booking flow.

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Manage any travel need

Spotnana’s Travel-as-a-Service Platform has the flexibility to support even the world’s largest, most complex global travel programs.

  • Guest, group, and leisure trips

    Allow travelers to book trips for business and personal use, and enable arrangers to book trips for groups and corporate visitors.
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  • Automated approval workflows

    Ensure trips are high value and within budget through configurable soft and hard approval workflows that support multiple approvers.
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  • 24/7 global travel assistance

    Provide travelers with access to expert travel agents that use the same platform and are reachable anytime via chat, email, and phone.
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