Podcast: Scaling a TMC built on modern infrastructure
Global Travel With Real-Time Insights
April 07, 2022
By Andrew Sheivachman
Travel Management

Building a travel program is usually a series of trade-offs and compromises for travel managers at growing global companies.
Every country with an office needs its own instance of a travel management platform and travel management company.
Some offices will end up booking with a local travel agency and others will be told to simply book on a consumer site; the complexity of setting up and managing online booking simply isn’t worth the time investment and effort spent managing vendors.
When you then factor in the separate expense, HRIS, and security systems in each country, the complexity of setting up a truly global travel program is immense.
Beyond that, all your company’s travel data is fragmented across geography and dozens of different systems. It’s impossible to get an accurate real-time view of all global travel.
At Spotnana, our platform is truly global. We’re built on new technology that powers travel for your entire company with one instance for all offices around the world. This provides a true, full picture of your entire organization’s travel spending and behavior for the first time ever.
New Pipes, New Life

Spotnana presents your global travel program’s real-time insights in an easy-to-use dashboard.
Spotnana is built on a completely new data infrastructure that pulls all your global travel data together in one comprehensive dashboard. Since all your offices are connected on one unified platform, you have real-time insights into travel bookings and behavior.
This means accurate reporting on areas your program can improve, routes to target for negotiation, quick tweaks to improve travel booking behavior, and more.
You can easily view breakdowns by office, roles, types of travel, and more all from our analytics suite.
We support custom data fields, so you can track things like trip purpose and the reasons for an out of policy booking request.
Since our analytics suite and policy engine are connected, it’s simple to make intuitive and data-backed changes to elements of your travel policy based on our insights.
Just one example of this is how sustainability and carbon emission data flows through to provide you with an accurate look at how your travel program is performing.
We even show travelers data on their behavior and the overall trends in your organization, encouraging them to book within policy.
Spotnana is travel’s first open innovation platform, so you own and decide what to do with your travel program’s data. You can connect to any third-party service and export your data at any time to analyze however you want.
To find out more about building a truly global travel program, contact us for a demo.